Saturday, October 26, 2013

April 29

My dear family,

It's been a great week and a little bit of an overwhelming week. We are trying so hard to be prompt, fit in all the appointments, and not miss any studies. It has proven a little harder than we would like. I feel so rude interrupting people and then before we know it we are late. So, we are going to be better organized. Can't wait to master it because we'll be able to fit more in the day when we do. Transfers are also tomorrow. Thankfully, my prayers have been answered and i get to be with Sister Zegarra another transfer. I've learned a lot from her, we laugh all day, and we work hard all day. Funny things happen all the time with my Spanish and her English  At least 5 times every day we patiently listen to each other then say, "wait...what?" it's funny. We just laugh it off and work it out or stop trying to explain it and move on to something else. So, thankfully i'll be with her again but there are still some changes this transfer. First, Sister Whitney stoker will arrive this Wednesday  I hope i get to see her. After this transfer there will be 46 sisters in the mission and the large majority are new missionaries. Many people are training this transfer without having finished being trained. The Lord really is working with us and helping us. To help in the training of the new sisters the church has started something called, sister training leaders. They will be normal missionaries with normal areas but will go on exchanges with other sisters. It is definitely an inspired way to help us sisters also receive the training that we need. So far i have only had the opportunity to do exchanges once. it will be a big change to the mission but definitely a positive one. If you ask the elders in our ward they will probably know more. I'm excited to learn lots more! To explain the changes we had a sisters luncheon with President and sister Neider with trainings and a testimony meeting. We felt the spirit strongly and a renewed faith to carry us in the work. Missionary work really is exciting! A lot of exciting things happened this week. First, we received great news that Eva Caballero is going to be baptized!!!! Eva is sister Caballero's daughter in law. We taught her when i was there and she has just been scared to get baptized but she now knows and is ready. May 11 she will be baptized. This last Saturday we also went to Jose Salvador and Emma's baptism. It was a neat experience to see them again but this time as they make sacred covenants. Their son baptized them which made for a sweet baptism. It reminded me of good sunrise and the time and work spent there. It was a joy to see again members, the bishop, investigators about to be members, and others that i worked beside. The members of las vegas are strong members and i love many of them. I also recieved good news that raquel (the one that has to change her job to get baptized) is preparing to be baptized. she has interviews for the new jobs. please please please pray for her. I also received news that alan montana, the 20 year old inactive convert from sunrise is struggling again. I have permission to write him. Please pray for him as well. As for paradise, we visited Lorena and her family. We invited them to be baptized in june and the concerns came out. I used to be nervous to extend commitments because of the concerns but it is the only way to discover their concerns. Lorena and her family are a cute family discovering for the first time anything religious. We are planning a simply lesson on prayer with them so they can learn how to pray sincerely. I'm excited for them. I have a testimony of the gospel of jesus christ. i know it is true and i love it! and i love sharing it! we pray to be guided to those who are prepared and we pray that those who are prepared may be guided to us. Thank you for your support. I have been incredibly blessed and can only work to show my gratitude. I love you dearly and i love the savior! Work hard, pray hard! ;) Hurrah for israel!


Hermana Burrup

Dear President Neider,

What a week! It's been a good week without a doubt. Sister Zegarra and I had some neat studies this week. We did some role plays this morning and i felt like we were given better questions to understand the needs of investigators. We have been so incredibly blessed, President. Frankly, i feel humbled by the blessings and at times undeserving. Sister Zegarra is such a hard worker. I feel like she has taught me how to use the ward council better and get the investigators more involved with the members. She's an excellent missionary president. She gets frustrated with the English sometimes but she is improving. I'm very proud of the work she does and the progress she has made. we've started doing splits this week which has helped us get more work done. She does well even on splits. She's a keeper for sure! Well, to finish off, we are still working in the 12 week program. we studied this week how to better teach people than lessons. I felt like it was exactly what we needed to better teach and better teach together. I'm so blessed to be i Las Vegas with sister Zegarra and the Neiders!


Hermana Burrup

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