Saturday, October 26, 2013

June 10

My great great family!

Another good week. Life is going well and i feel great! Tomorrow is transfers and sister Zegarra and i get to be together a 3rd transfer! we are both excited about it and looking forward to another successful transfer. We set some good goals and are gong to work together to make them happen. We had a good talk today about how our missionary work and our faith affects our families. Today she received notice that her grandpa passed away and that her best friends mom has some advanced cancer. She was a little hurt by the news and confused at why bad things have been happening to those he loves since the first day she decided to come on a mission. She is so sweet and is a hard worker. Please pray for her and her family. We resolved to work harder so that the Lord will bless those we love here and in other parts. I know that the Lord knows we love him and that our love for him is the reason we work. We are so willing and ready to do and give everything that is asked.

Well, to tell you about missionary work, we had a fhe with Flor and Dionico and two other families that are fellowshipping them. For that reason we decided to teach Law of chastity tonight instead. We are hoping it goes well. They are a cute cute couple with a goofy son gael that always has energy and always wants to cuddle with sister zegarra during sacrament meeting. it's really funny. She sat with that family and i sat with an inactive family and watched the whole thing from far away. i was trying not to laugh too hard. It has been going really well with Flor and Dionicio. Other investigators have dropped us this week. it was kind of a mixed feelings week. A cute cute family of 7 dropped us this week. it caught us both off guard. We asked her to talk to her husband one more time so please pray that we can keep teaching janet. She wants it but has to follow her husband as well. 

Well, to finish off, i wanted to tell you about some of the latest and greatest missionary news! As a mission, we are going to read the whole book of mormon in 2 transfers or 75 days because that is how long it took Joseph smith to translate the book of Mormon. We are going to call it the refiners fire because it is perfectly placed during the hot summer months of Vegas. We are really excited and officially start on tuesday but i started yesterday to get a head start. i already feel like i'm learning more. This morning i was reading in 1 Nephi 2. Verse 12 really taught me. it's simple but i felt the spirit. Basically we learn from laman and lemuel the reason we with the natural man complain or murmur. We complain murmur, pout, or don't trust when we don't know and don't have faith in the dealings of the Lord. I don't know how well i explained it but as i read the scriptures i just felt a desire to be better. No complaining about heat, being dropped, or any struggle we might have. God has a better plan. He always does and I can have faith in Him and His plan. I love the book of Mormon because it teaches me of my Savior and how to become more like him. i love my savior and i love his words from his own mouth or the mouth of his servants. I am trying to step up and be my best. it is such an opportunity to be with sister Zegarra again because she knows how to work. Our goals is to do splits at least once each week. We love the Lord, his children and His work. May God always bless His children as we participate in His work. I know he will.

all my love,

Hermana Burrup

ps- without thinking too much about it, i called the office to be able to tell you for sure. it is november 26th that i  finish which i guess means we would be traveling on the 27th. 

this is stephanie and esteban

 sister zegarra at the church open house. neat activity from this last week.

Dear President Neider,

Another transfer In paradise with Sister Zegarra! Can i ask for anything more? Thank you for being in tune with the spirit because i feel that this really is going to be a positive transfer for sister Zegarra and I and the investigators! Today my companion and I talked about how we want to work even harder this transfer. Sister Zegarra received some sad news from home and we decided to work extra hard to help bless her family. I know she and her family will be blessed by her service.

This last tuesday i also went on my last exchange with Sister Cichoski. She is doing very well! Really, the spanish is the biggest barrier for her. We worked on asking questions to check for understanding and discover needs in the appointments we had. She is very hard working and is trying to do her best. She and Sister Despain are doing a great job. 

Thank you again president! 


Hermana Burrup

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