Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sept 9

My Dear Dear Family,

I have to say dear twice because it is true. My love for each of you has increased a lot as i've learned from your words and examples. My companion, sister Jeronimo is in a family of converts. She is so wonderful. We have a lot of fun together but we had a nice talk last night when all was done and said as we lied in bed sharing thoughts with each other. She simply said, "you have a good family," and when she said that the spirit really hit me and let me know how truly blessed i am. "because i have been given much I too much give." and i feel that the modified version might say, "because the Lord loves me he lets me give." Sister Rachel Miner sent me a quote from her mission president, "I am not on a mission because I love the Savior, I'm on a mission because He loves me." Really and truly, the Lord gives us the blessing and opportunity to serve him. It is a refining and smoothing process. Painful but perfect in it's simple dependence on our personal diligent efforts and submissiveness to the Lord. Tomorrow Elder Anderson comes to speak to 500 plus missionaries. Sister Jeronimo and I are going to fast and are so excited to be there. We love doing this work and even more together!

Well, just to mention a few miracles of this week. Frankie is slowly opening and changing. He wants to read the book of mormon. We taught the gospel of jesus christ last night because he wanted to meet. He had a cigarrette behind his ear the whole lesson so we will be teaching the Word of wisdom this week. Pray for us. His name is frankie martinez.  Also, Rodrigo is a Recent Convert. He had an accident and was in the hospital. my companion was inspired to visit him. We knocked and he simply came to the glass door of his trailor and stared at us and left. We were concerned, said a prayer and felt impressed to sing hymns. Honestly, we felt flat out's not even december to confuse with christmas caroling. He hid from us but we saw his shadow and know he was listening to our off tune singing outside his door. He texted us later that night and were able to make an appointment for him to recieve a priesthood blessing. His wife is near death to cancer in another state and his family is falling apart but he loves dearly the book of mormon and the church. The Lord always help. Those were just a few of the miracles this week. there were many more. Thank you for your love and support! I love you much much much!


Hermana Burrup

ps- christian, Elder Nortin ate dinner with a member in our branch on saturday....that was crazy.... you have a moped? and why did you wake him up so early? and did you really have 4 girlfriends? and good work in your calling. He had a lot of good to say about you. A little blessing from heaven to hear about your goodness from him. Keep on preparing. I love you and can tell you are changing. The temple does that and so does the spirit when felt daily and moment by moment.

Dear President Neider,

We saw miracles this week! Just simple little things that obviously show that this is the Lord's work and he has i all planned out perfectly. Blessing from good helpful members and their efforts as well as blessings brought by the spirit. President, i love this work so so much. My mom wrote in her email to me, "enjoy the sprint," and I really am trying to get my head, heart, and body on the same page to do that.  I'm trying to forget all else and be the best companion, member, missionary, and friend to all of the Lord's children. I am still not done with the Book of Mormon but i'm getting there. My testimony has been confirmed and strengthened. I love the Lord's written words, and His living words through prophets and apostles and through His spirit. How he love His children! God be thanked that we are so privileged to be a part of his work! Hurrah for Israel!


Hermana Burrup

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