Saturday, October 26, 2013

Aug 19

Family Family Family,
It's been warm but our district leader, elder Johnson left us the suggestion last sunday to get out and walk more. We set the day and went. It's hot and it's easy to just drive from one appointment to another or one potential to another but this week we walked. It was actually pretty fun. One elder said, "if you aren't happy, just go outside and open your mouth and you will be happy." and it's true. Sister Jeronimo is so so sweet. Afterwards with her optimism showed as she vibrantly exclaimed, "Wow, that was fun! Let's walk everyday!" She is so flat out good. I love her lots. For her if you could just pray that she will have courage and confidence to teach, testify, and participate in every lesson. She is a little shy because of her english. Her english is very good but she doesn't believe me. :) 

Well, speaking of the work, there are all kinds of good things happening! For starters, I went to Gabriela Jimenez' baptism on Saturday. We worked a lot with her in Sunrise and she finally was able to get there. The sisters dropped her after i left but were diligent in getting her to church. Revelation comes at church. There in the chapel we feel the spirit and it guides us and changes are desires. So that was really excited. Also, we had an amazing lesson with Frankie! I talked about in my letter to president. For him the spirit is huge. He was finally able to feel it strongly and committed to be baptized on september 28. We have a lot of preparing to do with him. He is a heavy smoker and his friends are important to him. His grandparents are against the church completely so we can't knock on his door. all the lessons are at the church or in member's homes.  He has a lot of integrity and knows he needs to follow the answers he receives. That is why he is scared of getting answers. Please pray for him to have courage. We also contacted some potentials and found the husband at home. Just last night he bombarded us with so many questions. They were great questions! We are excited to start teaching him. The work is moving forward and we love it. The spirit is strong and the people are prepared. We just hav eot guide them to their answers in the book of mormon, at church, and in prayer.
I know the church is the church of Christ. I didn't realize how often the book of mormon throughout each book talks about the liahona. In alma 37:40 I learned a lot. Miracles do happen!, I read it, "according to their was by day." or "according to their faith, miracles were wrought, day by day." Not a day need go by without miracles or without participating in his work and living our testimony by sharing it. I love this work and i love the Lord. We are excited to see the miracles day by day this week according to our faith. Take care and thank you for your love and support!


Hermana Burrup

Dear President Neider,

What a week?! We saw a definite miracle with an investigator this week named Frankie. He was actually a Christian missionary in El Salvador so he has had some different questions than we are used to but we just study lots follow the spirit and invite members and it goes well. The miracle was simply that he could feel the spirit. He said, " i felt something i haven't felt in a long time...since i was walking with god in El Salvador." he has a lot of regrets since he came here and fell into his old life. He is scared of answers and scared of change because he is scared of failing. We are working with him but so excited for the progress he is making. We are trying to work more with members and trying to be more supportive by having more contact with them.  We also did an exchange this week. i was with Sister Webb in Warm springs. It was a positive experience and she is working hard. They have good teaching opportunities and they are doing well at keeping the area book updated. Sister Webb is an effective teacher and very sincere in her testimony. She's doing great and we learned a lot. Thanks for all you do president. We love you and your wife! Hurrah for Israel!


Hermana Burrup

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